Friday, April 2, 2010

What's Your Pick For National Poetry Month?

In many of my workshops, I begin the day by reading a short poem to help students settle down and rev up the visual imagination. Sometimes a poem becomes inspiration for a piece, sometimes it just helps set a mood, and sometimes it helps me make a point. For example, I might read Pamela Alexander's poem Manners as a reminder to not be so focused on what something is "supposed" to be (i.e. hoping for a heron") that we overlook the potential of the wolf drooling on the rug.

April is National Poetry Month in the U.S. I'd love to hear what poems inspire you!


Unknown said...

My friend Leslie commented on the feed to this post on Facebook with "Anything By Mary Oliver." So I found a site, and wanted to share:

Unknown said...

Check out Becka's poem at Becka's Project Journal