Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Stir The Pile

Just want to let you know about another creativity catalyst I've added to this site. It's a box called "Stir The Pile" in the far right column on this blog. When I come across a post that inspires me, I mark it "Share" in my Google Reader. A little snip of code draws that feed into the box. Click on a title, and it will take you to the article.

I've been pulling this feed into my other blog, Two Red Threads, for some time, in a box called "Loose Ends." Since the men in the white coats haven't come to haul me away (yet) for revealing this glimpse of what I find interesting, I'll take a chance and share it with you. These posts have switched on a few light bulbs in my brain, and I hope they do the same for you.

Now I really should go stir a real compost pile.

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