Saturday, December 19, 2009

What's Your Guilty Pleasure?

The Fedco seed catalog came right before I left for Chicago (more than two weeks ago!), and I haven't had a chance to spend any quality time with it. But this morning over breakfast I was scanning the New For 2010 list. Purple pac choy! A kale mix! You can see how I might get distracted.
I love my printed seed catalogs and none more than Fedco's. Not because of all the color pictures (there are none). It's just so well-written and informative. I'm not enough of a garden geek yet that I drop Latin names into conversation, but I might start now that I know quarantina means 40 days, as in the broccoli raab (item 3485QT) on page 58.

The time may be near when I fill out my seed order online. But don't ask me to give up my printed catalog just yet. I'd gladly part with all the political flyers we receive at election time and all the free hearing exam circulars and all the unsolicited calendars that come in the mail, if I can just keep getting this catalog.

It's December 19, and there's plenty on my to-do list. But for a little while this morning, I was planning the most beautiful garden ever. What's the irresistible force that distracts you at this time of year? There's a link right below this post that says "Comments." When you hit it, it opens a small window where you can write a short response. I'd love to hear.

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